Americas Best AMT Updates
09/21/2020- We are open and operating at 90% percent occupancy. Our class sizes are limited with CDC guidelines in effect into advised otherwise. Our test center is open and operating and our day and night classes are moving forward online and in person.
The USAF has revised there funding criteria for airmen. Please read and advise if you have any questions. Moving forward all USAF airmen will need to pay for the course out of pocket.
AFI36-2670 major changes:
AF COOL money will be recouped if Airmen fail to provide proof of completion of the AF-funded credential within 120 days.
In addition to credentials associated with their Primary Air Force Specialty Code, Airmen are also authorized AF COOL funding for:
One (1) credential related to an awarded academic degree (bachelor’s degree or higher).
One (1) credential unrelated to the Primary Air Force Specialty Code. For this category of credentialing, Airmen must reimburse the Air Force for all failed courses and exams.
Airmen within 180 days of separation or retirement must self-fund their credential cost and will be reimbursed by the AF COOL program after proof of completion. This provision goes into effect on 25 Dec 20—180 days after the publication date of AFI36-2670.
AFGM2020-01 major changes:
Preparatory courses and study materials will no longer be funded. Note: These courses were the primary reason the AF COOL program costs increased each year. To keep the program open for Airmen to use, this is where we needed to make a hard cut.
The cost of books is limited to $500 per credential goal.
NOTE: As we transition to the new guidance, Airmen’s funding requests received by the AF COOL Central Processing Office before 14 July 2020 will be reviewed under the previous policy and requests received on or after 14 July will follow the new AFGM.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Come get certified at Americas Best AMT Courses!! Throughout the last few months, we have navigated the fluid dynamics of COVID-19 with the safety of our students and staff at the heart of every decision we have made. That commitment to safety has guided our thoughtful, phased approach to reopening on June 8, 2020 at 9am for our A&P courses to commence. However, May 15th our facility will re-open for our normal business hours for class registration and testing.
To make this clear we closed our doors to safeguard our students from becoming ill with this invisible enemy. We have been hearing of other courses operating through this pandemic putting profits before student’s safety. No matter if a location followed the CDC guidelines during the outbreak of this pandemic that displays an indefinite foundation for that establishment. Do not be fooled by fake promises or promotions. Be safe and heath comes first after family!
To create safer class environment at our facility, America’s Best AMT Courses worked with government health guidance to inform safety policies in the Aviation Industry to collaborate across the industry and share best practices that inform how guests will experience the courses. These best practices, our Shop Safe Standards, include but are not limited to the following:
Face Coverings: All Staff will wear face coverings in-facility; the Company asks all guests do the same while verifying everyone is in a healthy condition to continue the day.
Social Distancing: To limit contact without forgoing the unique America’s Best AMT experience, guests will find visual cues, such as signage or floor decals, to ensure six feet of separation are maintained. Additional measures include limited occupancy, safely-spaced check-in with protective barriers, and options for contact-less payments and registration
Testers: By appointment only, Safety measures for courses services include required face coverings for guests and staff, staggered stations to support social distancing, and added sanitation processes.
In-Facility Cleanliness: America's Best AMT has committed to elevating its already strong practices in-facility with increased protocols for regular cleaning and disinfecting public spaces throughout the day. For students, additional hand sanitizer stations are installed throughout stores to reinforce best practices.
Instructor Wellness: As the heart of Americas Best AMT Courses and facility experience, the Company recognizes its responsibility to protect staff. They will participate in mandatory wellness checks before the start of class, have physically rearranged break rooms, and will learn and execute safety training on new policies.
With lots of concern and caring,
Antonio Garcia
America’s Best AMT Courses, President and CEO
Below you will find the modified schedule for the test center. However, classes are scheduled to begin 08/03/2020 END: 12/22/2020. Unless state authorities specify otherwise. Please, continue to check the website for current updates.
The lobby will re open on May 15, so please DO NOT bring family members or friends if you are testing. If applicants are sick, please cancel the exam and reschedule for a later date. Bring all required documentation. If you forget your documentation, we will cancel your exam. NO EXCEPTIONS! Walk-ins availability are temporarily suspended. Every applicant needs a 24-hour window to register. Must wear a a mask at all times during testing.
New test scheduled starts 05/15/2020
MONDAY: 07:00AM-03:00PM (Social Distance in effect)
TUESDAY: 07:00AM-03:00PM (Social Distance in effect)
WEDNESDAY: 07:00AM-03:00PM (Social Distance in effect)
THURSDAY: 07:00AM-03:00PM (Social Distance in effect)
FRIDAY: 07:00AM-03:00PM (Social Distance in effect)
Applicants that are still interested in taking the course can still register for the upcoming course and pick up materials or we can have them mailed to them.
If you scheduled a test during the closed time frame please call PSI and reschedule. America's Best AMT test center cannot change or modify scheduled dates. If you are feeling under the weather please cancel exam and reschedule for another date. Sick applicants will not be allowed into the facility. If you have allergies, please provide a doctor's note concerning your symptoms. We stride to keep our employees safe and the public.
If you have any question or concerns regarding the COVID-19 call 1-844-542-8201 the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO)
Applicant issues
Email: examschedule@psionline.com
Phone: 1-844-704-1487